Since China-US trade war, a lot of companies plan to move their factories from China to other countries to avoid high-tariff between China and US. Southeast Asia becomes first option of many manufacturers, and Vietnam is viewed as the biggest beneficiary in this situation. However, is it true? Expensive labor and land costs damage Vietnam's strengths in this campaign. Moreover, this country becomes next target which US government plans to increase tariff. In contrast, Cambodia in the begging period of economic development still keeps its advantages to attract foreign companies' eyes. Low labor cost Any transactions is priced by US dollars, so companies don't have exchange risk. A lot of tax-free benefits from EU, US, Japan, Canada etc. 自中美贸易战以来,许多厂商开始计划迁厂他国,躲避被战火波及。东南亚成为许多企业移厂首选,越南被认为是此次战役的最大受益者。但事实真得是如此吗? 1 贸易战迫供应链移厂 东南亚成厂商最佳避难地 美国对“中国制造”产品提高关税后,许多在中国的外资企业开始寻找新的设厂之地,以避开高关税的攻击。东南亚拥有天然资源、人口红利、低廉土地成本等优势,加上邻近中国,自然成为制造商的首选。三星移往越南、美国单车公司肯特国际迁往柬埔寨、Google的硬件制造商伟创力(Flex)计划移往马来西亚、苹果电源组件供货商台达电扩大泰国生产线。在东南亚诸国中,越南被认为是最大受益者。 2 三大因素造成越南的优势不在 因为贸易战,美国企业转向其它国家采购产品。今年前5个月,从越南、孟加拉国和南韩进口的商品数量激增,特别是越南。该期间,美国进口越南产品的数量增长36.4%,不但是高于对孟加拉国采购增长14.2%,也高于南韩的12.4%。也因此越南被CNN点名是贸易战下最大受益国家。 3 在“最受惠国”美名之下 越南正面对几大危机 1.被美盯上,继中国后的另一个贸易战目标…